Sign up for exclusive pre-sale ticket access. These will be available from 10am on Friday the 31st of January, starting from £30+BF.
Bakey / Bitter Babe / Calibre / CCL / Chloé Caillet / Chunky / Dave Harvey / DJ Stingray 313 / Djrum / Dr Banana / DVS1 / Ellie Stokes / Enzo Siragusa / Eris Drew / Felix Dickinson / gyrofield / Hamish & Toby / Haseeb Iqbal / ⌭ IceMorph ⌬ / Ikonika / Introspekt / Jay Carder / Jess Hands / John Talabot / Jorg Kuning Live / Karen Nyame KG / Lukas Wigflex / Mad Professor / Mala / Malika / Manami / Marcelina / Narciss / Neffa-T / Nicola Cruz / Nikki Nair / Octo Octa / Onur Özer / Palms Trax / Peach / Roza Terenzi / RUTHLSS / Sam Alfred / SGT Pokes / Shannen SP / Skee Mask / SLOUCHO Live / Special Request / Spray presents Spriitzz Live / Sweely / Tai Lokun / Tash LC / Tia Cousins / Tom VR Live / Truly Madly / TSUNIMAN / ttwoshell / Verraco / Yung Singh /
Across 7 unique stages: